Desmos Tips for SAT: Part 1 – Mastering Single-Variable Equations for Success

Discover essential Desmos tips for SAT success in this first part of our series. Learn how to use Desmos to solve single-variable equations on the Digital SAT and boost your score
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Desmos Tips for SAT Math: Single Variable Equations

The Digital SAT(DSAT) provides access to Desmos, a powerful graphing calculator tool, built into the SAT test app. If you’re familiar with how to use Desmos tips for SAT math, particularly for solving single-variable equations, you’ll significantly improve your accuracy and efficiency. Desmos can be a valuable tool in quickly identifying solutions, allowing you to focus more on strategy and problem-solving during the test.

For a more in-depth look at how to use Desmos effectively for SAT math, especially for solving single-variable equations, watch the video below. This tutorial covers key strategies, step-by-step examples, and helpful tips to boost your SAT math performance.

However, it’s important to emphasize that Desmos is not a substitute for strong math skillsThe creators of the SAT are aware of Desmos’ functionality, which is why many test questions cannot be solved using Desmos alone. If you aim to score 650+ on the SAT math section, solid algebra skills and a thorough understanding of the SAT curriculum are essential. Desmos can help with specific tasks, but your understanding of the underlying concepts will make the most difference in achieving your desired score.

In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate how to use Desmos for SAT math to solve single-variable equations effectively and accurately. Stay tuned for future posts covering Desmos tips for more question types. We will break down the process step-by-step so that you can fully leverage Desmos to enhance your SAT math performance.

Single Variable Equations

How to Recognize Single-Variable Equations

A single-variable equation is an equation that contains only one variable. This does not include expressions, which are mathematical statements without equals signs.

Here are some examples of single-variable equations:

  1. What is the smallest solution to the given equation?single variable equation 1
  2. What is one possible solution to the given equation?single variable equation 2
  3. What is the positive solution to the given equation?single variable equation 3
  4. What is the sum of the solution to the given equation? single variable equation 4

Each of the equations shown above contains only one variable, which makes them single-variable equations.

How to Solve Single-Variable Equations in Desmos

  1. Enter the single-variable equation into row one of the expression list in Desmos.
  2. Observe the graph: Desmos will generate vertical lines where the solutions to the equation exist.
  3. Interpret the results: The vertical lines indicate the solutions to the equation.

Example Problem

Problem: Using desmos solve this equation: single variable equation 1

After entering the equation into Desmos, this is what the graph will show:

Desmos solving single variable equation is simple step

This graph contains vertical lines at x = -3 and x = 10. This means that x = -3 and x = 10 are the solutions to the equation.

To explore more examples and gain deeper insights, be sure to watch the video above. It offers valuable Desmos tips tailored for the SAT.

Key Takeaways

  • Desmos is a valuable tool for solving equations on the DSAT.
  • Single-variable equations can be solved quickly by identifying where vertical lines appear on the Desmos graph.
  • While Desmos can help with many problems, you’ll need strong math skills to tackle more complex questions.

Looking Ahead

Stay tuned for the next posts in this series, where we will cover the following topics:

  • Single Variable Equations with Unknown Constants
    Learn how to solve equations where the variable is paired with unknown constants using Desmos for accurate solutions.
  • Systems of Equations
    Discover how to use Desmos to efficiently solve systems of equations and find the intersection points of multiple variables.
  • Mixed Systems with Unknown Constants
    Tackle mixed systems that include both variables and unknown constants, leveraging Desmos to simplify complex relationships.
  • Inequalities
    Master the art of solving inequalities using Desmos, allowing you to visually represent solution sets on the graph.
  • Circles
    Understand how to solve equations involving circles, and learn how Desmos can help you identify key properties like radius and center.


Desmos is an invaluable tool for tackling a variety of SAT math problems,. However, remember that while Desmos can assist you in the exam, solid math fundamentals are equally important to excel on the SAT. By mastering both the tool and the concepts, you can approach the SAT with greater confidence and achieve your desired score. Keep practicing, and stay tuned for more Desmos tips for SAT in our upcoming posts.

Start Your SAT Preparation Today

For more practice with Desmos and SAT math, explore our platform MentoMind, where we offer 3500+ practice questions and 10 full-length digital SAT tests to help you achieve your target score. Our resources are designed to help you get the most out of Desmos and ensure you’re fully prepared for the challenges of the Digital SAT.

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