
We are a team of lifelong teachers and technologists who understand the effort needed behind the scenes to make our time with students most effective.

We believe teachers are irreplaceable, and strong relationships are at the heart of learning.

We believe one-to-one instruction is the best way to enhance learning. And we are here to scale it exponentially.

Teachers don’t have time to learn complicated systems, so our platform is designed to be very simple and easy to get started.

Every teacher has unique needs. Our platform is fully customizable to fit those needs. And if we don’t have it, we build it.

Not every problem can be solved by technology. We focus on simplifying tedious tasks that only teachers understand.

We build our platform with our users, ensuring it meets the real needs of teachers. 

You can do big things with small teams, but it’s hard to do small things with big teams. And small is often plenty. That’s the power of small — you do what needs to be done rather than overdoing it.